Summer Hunting (夏猟)
tsune naranu kari no kono yo wa seko ga iru natsuno no kari no kokochi koso sure | So fleeting is This transient world, where My man does shoot; As a summer plain reaped down Is how I truly feel! |
Summer Hunting (夏猟)
neraisuru shizuo ga sama o saoshika no hitomurakusa to mite ya yoruran | Taking aim As a peasant does, Do the deer, Clumped as grass, Appear to draw near? |
Summer Hunting (夏猟)
natsu kari no seko ga iru no ni tatsu shika wa aki yori saki ni ne o ya nakuran | For summer reaped are The plains where my man does shoot; Will the starting stags Before the autumn Begin to bell? |
Summer Hunting (夏猟)
natsu no no ni ochikuru shika no machikakete au ni au tomo miyuru sena kana | To the summer plains Descend the deer, Waiting expectantly; Meet them I may, and yet Their rumps are all I’ll see! |
Summer Hunting (夏猟)
natsu no tatsu ogi no hazuri no kaze no oto ni fusu no noshika wa ima ya okuran | In summer arises A rustling of the silver-grass with The sound of wind Will the lounging deer upon the plain Now awake, perhaps? |
On thinking deep thoughts.
adusayumi suwe pasi sirazu sikaredomo masaka pa kimi ni yorinisi mono wo | A catalpa bow: The end, indeed, I know not, And yet, and yet, ‘Tis you that My thoughts have ever dwelt upon… |
ashihiki no yama tōki tsuki o sora ni okite tsukikage takaki sue no kakehashi | Leg-wearying, Above the distant mountains, the moon Hangs in the sky; Soaring moonbeams A bridge between the peaks. |
Shōhaku 肖柏 (1443-1527)
asipiki no yamasita toyomi yuku midu no toki tomokaku mo kopiwataru kamo | Leg-wearying, The mountain’s foot resounds with Rushing waters Endlessly – As flows my love for you! |
ashihiki no yamashita toyomi yuku mizu no toki zo tomokaku koiwataru kamo | Leg-wearying, The mountain’s foot resounds with Rushing waters Endlessly – As flows my love for you! |
Cormorant Fishingon the River(鵜河)
sayo sugara ayu fusu kawa ni kagaribi no kage to tomo ni mo ukabitsuru kana | All the brief night long Sweetfish hiding in the river, with The torches’ Light come Drifting up! |
'Simply moving and elegant'