‘Catalpa bow’. Used to modify piku ‘pull’, iru ‘shoot’, moto ‘base’, suwe ‘end/tip’, turu ‘bowstring’, yoru ‘draw near’, ya ‘arrow’, oto ‘sound’, kaperu ‘return’, etc. There is, in fact, some disagreement among the commentators as to whether adusa is catalpa or not.
‘Leg paining’?. Used to modify yama ‘mountain’, wo ‘peak’, etc. Of unclear derivation, theories range from ‘leg paining/wearying’ to ‘trees like reeds’.
‘Reed fenced’. As fences made of reeds would fall swiftly into disrepair, used to modify puru ‘old/former’, poka ‘other’, midaru ‘in disarray’, yosino ‘Yoshino’.