Category Archives: Goshūishū

GSIS II: 129

Composed for a picture of peach blossom on a folding screen in the Tenryaku Period (947-957).


ti yo made kazase
momo no Fana
Fana mo kaFarazi
Faru mo taeneba
If you cannot get your fill,
For a thousand years, a garland wear,
Of peach blossom;
For the flowers will not age,
And Spring will be unceasing.

Kiyowara no Motosuke

GSIS I: 100

She had gone on a pilgrimage to a distant place and, on her way back home, composed this gazing at some mountain cherries.


miyako Fito
ikaga to toFaba
mise mo semu
kano yamazakura
Fito eda mo gana
If capital folk
Should ask, ‘How were they?’
I would rather show them;
Of yonder mountain cherry,
A single sprig is what I need.

Izumi Shikibu