Composed during the reign of former Emperor Ichijō, when His Majesty was presented with a gift of some eightfold cherry blossom from Nara and, being in attendance, he ordered her to composed a poem on this gift of blossom.
inishie no nara no miyako no yaezakura kyō kokonoe ni nioinuru kana
The ancient Capital of Nara had Eightfold cherry blossom, that Today within the ninefold palace Does shine!
When she had something on her mind and was unable to sleep, she sat awake all night gazing at the bright moon until dawn, and composed this when her garden became slightly darkened by a shower.
kaminaduki ariake no sora no sigururu wo mata ware naranu Fito ya miruran
In the Godless Month The sky at dawn is Covered with showers— Other than I, I wonder if he sees it, too?
Composed on the conception of the Song of the Everlasting Woe.
omoFikane wakaresi nobe wo kitemireba asadi ga hara ni akikaze zo Fuku
Unable to bear my longing To the meadows where we parted Have I come and fixed my gaze, but Across the cogon grass upon the plain Indeed, the autumn wind is blowing.