Category Archives: Kuroōdo no tō-ke uta’awase

Kurōdo no tō-ke uta’awase

Shinpen kokka taikan no.46
Heian-chō uta’awase taisei no.91
Romanised TitleKurōdo no tō-ke uta’awase
Translated TitlePoetry Contest held at the House of the Head Chamberlain
Alternative Title(s)蔵人頭実資歌合 Kurōdo no tō sanesuke uta’awase (‘Poetry Contest held at the House of Head Chamberlain Sanesuke
Date7/7/Eien 2 [21.8.988]
Extant Poems10
Identifiable ParticipantsY
TopicsBell crickets (suzumushi 鈴虫)

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Kurōdo no tō-ke uta’awase 7


tanabata mo
suzumushi no ne mo
koyoi koso
kokoro o kakuru
tsuma to narikere
The Weaver Maid, too,
The bell crickets’ cries,
On this night above all
Hides within her heart
That she is wed.

Lord Tamechika[1]

[1] Minamoto no Tamechika 源為親 (dates unknown). He was the elder brother of Minamoto no Tamenori源為憲, a minor noble who has one poem in Shūishū (VIII: 464). Tamechika himself reached no further than Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade, and served as Governor of Higo.

Kurōdo no tō-ke uta’awase 3


hoshiai no sora no
kokoro ni mo
suzumushi no koe
Pondering upon
The sky of trysting stars,
Deep within my heart
I find it hard to cast aside
The bell crickets’ song.


[1] Tachibana no Yukiyori 橘行頼 (dates unknown): Yukiyori was the son of Tachibana no Yukihira (dates unknown), and appears as a minor poet in Shūishū (IV: 231).