The main torii of Ehime gokoku jinja
The torii at the entrance to Ehime gokoku jinja.
The entrance to Ehime man’yōen.
Wisteria trellis
Plants and poems in Ehime man’yōen.
Akamegashiwa tree and poem in Ehime man’yōen.
Path through the trees at Ehime man’yōen.
Trees and poems at Ehime man’yōen.
Potted plants at Ehime man’yōen.
Paths at Ehime man’yōen.
Fallen leaves among the trees at Ehime man’yōen.
Trail through the trees at Ehime man’yōen.
Memorial to the souls of the dead at Ehime man’yōen.
Memorial to the fallen at Ehime man’yōen.
Memorial stone to the war dead at Ehime man’yōen.
Memorial stones at Ehime man’yōen.
Stone with Man’yō poem at Ehime man’yōen.
Explaining the Man’yō poem at Ehime man’yōen.
Central pine tree at Ehime man’yōen.
Central pine tree at Ehime man’yōen.
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