つのさはふ 石見の海の 言さへく 唐の崎なる 海石にぞ 深海松生ふる 荒礒にぞ 玉藻は生ふる 玉藻なす 靡き寢し子を 深海松の 深めて思へど さ寢し夜は 幾だもあらず 延ふ蔦の 別れし來れば 肝向ふ 心を痛み 思ひつつ かへり見すれど 大船の 渡の山の 黄葉の 散りの亂ひに 妹が袖さやにも見えず 妻ごもる 屋上の 山の 雲閒より 渡らふ月の 惜しけども 隱らひ來れば 天傳ふ 入日さしぬれ 大夫と 思へる我れも 敷栲の 衣の袖は 通りて濡れぬ
tuno sapapu ipami nö umi nö kötö sapeku kara nö saki naru ikuri ni zö pukamiru opuru ariso ni zö tamamo pa opuru tamamo nasu nabiki nesi ko wo pukamiru nö pukamete omopedö sa nesi yo pa iku da mo arazu papu tuta nö wakaresi kureba kimo mukapu kökörö wo itami omopitutu kaperimi suredö opobune nö watari nö yama nö momimo ba nö tiri nö magapi ni imo ga sode saya ni mo miezu tumagömoru yakami nö yama nö kumoma yori watarapu tukEnö wosikedömo kakurapikureba amadutapu iripi sasinure masurawo tö omoperu ware mo sikitapë nö körömo nö sode pa töporite nurenu |
As a mat of creepers, Is the sea at Iwami; Amongst the mangled words of Kara Point, Upon the reefs Grows the algae thickly; On the rocky shoreline, Grows the jeweled seaweed; Soft as jeweled seaweed Trembling, lay my girl; Lush as thick green algae, The love within my heart, but The nights when we slept thus Were not so very many; Like trailing ivy Are we parted and as I came away, Gut wrenching Pain within my heart Is all I felt, and Though I look back On the mighty prow Of Watari Mountain- Its yellowed leaves Scattering in confusion- My darling’s sleeves, I cannot see them clearly- As on spouse-concealing Yakami Mountain Through the cloud breaks Appears the drifting moon- And when, to my regret, Those sleeves had vanished The heaven-calling Setting sun shone out, so A brave man, As I did think myself, Spread barken cloth Robe’s sleeves All wet through. |