A poem composed upon passing the hill of Ashigara and seeing the body of a man who had died.
小垣内の 麻を引き干し 妹なねが 作り着せけむ 白栲の 紐をも解かず 一重結ふ 帶を三重結ひ 苦しきに 仕へ奉りて 今だにも 國に罷りて 父母も 妻をも見むと 思ひつつ 行きけむ君は 鷄が鳴く 東の國の 畏きや 神の御坂に 和妙の 衣寒らに ぬばたまの 髮は亂れて 國問へど 國をも告らず 家問へど 家をも言はず ますらをの 行きのまにまに ここに臥やせる
wokakitu nö asa wo pikiposi imo nane ga tukurikisekemu sirotapë no pimo wo mo tokazu pitö pe yupu obi wo mi pe yupi kurusiki ni tukapematurite ima dani mo kuni ni makarite titi papa mo tuma wo mo mimu tö omopitutu yukikemu kimi pa töri ga naku aduma nö kuni nö kasikoki ya kamï nö misaka ni nikipada no körömo samurani nubatama no kami pa midarete kuni topedö kuni wo mo norazu ipe topedö ipe wo mo ipazu masurawo nö yuki nö manimani kökö ni koyaseru |
Within your small-fenced home Was drawn and dried the hemp By your wife, or mayhap sister, dear Perhaps, she made for and clothed you In a white barken Belt-you never would undo- A single strand of belt Wrapped three times round you; And though you suffered, In your service to the Court At long last, Were you ordered to the provinces Your mother and father, And your wife too, to see; With such thoughts, You, no doubt, made your way To the bird-calling Eastern lands: An awesome God dwells on this hill- A soft skin, Your clothes seem cold- Lily-seed black Hair in tangles; And though I ask your land, You will not say; And though ask your home, You will not say; A sturdy man Proceeding on your way, Lying in this place. |
Tanabe no Sakimaro (active 740s)