A poem composed by Kanamura, Lord Kasa, on the occasion of an imperial visit to the Yoshino Palace in summer, 7th year of Yōrō (723), Fifth Month.
瀧の上の 三船の山に 瑞枝さし 繁に生ひたる 栂の木の いや繼ぎ繼ぎに 萬代に かくし知らさむ み吉野の 秋津の宮は 神からか 貴くあるらむ 國からか 見が欲しからむ 山川を 淸みさやけみ うべし神代ゆ 定めけらしも
tagi nö pë nö mipune nö yama ni miduye sasi s idi ni opitaru toga nö kï nö iyatugitugi ni yöröduyö ni kakusi sirasamu miyosino nö akidu nö miya pa kamu kara ka taputoku aruramu kuni kara ka mi ga posikaramu yama kapa wo kiyomi sayakëmi ubë si kamu yö yu sadamekerasi mo |
By the waterfall On Mifune mountain Sprout fresh branches, Growing packed tightly, As the hemlock tree E’er lasting, A myriad reigns Would You rule us; At Yoshino, Your dragonfly palace: Is it the nature of the gods That it should be a place of awe? Is it the nature of the province That makes me want to see it more? The mountains and river Fresh and pure: No wonder, that from the age of gods A palace was placed here. |