Man'yōshū MYS XI: 2692 26th July 2017 temca 2 Comments Sad thoughts. 夕凝りの霜置きにけり朝戸出にいたくし踏みて人に知らゆな yupu kori nosimo okinikeriasa tode niitakusi pumitepito ni sirayunaWith the evening chillFrost has fallen;In the morning, opening the doorTread lightly, soNo one will know…
ゆ is an Old Japanese passive marker, so 知らゆ = ‘be known’. な is a negative imperative marker, so 知らゆな = ‘Don’t [let it] be known!’ Reply
Is 知らゆな an old / imperative form of the negation 知らず?
ゆ is an Old Japanese passive marker, so 知らゆ = ‘be known’. な is a negative imperative marker, so 知らゆな = ‘Don’t [let it] be known!’