Composed at Yoshino. 皆人の戀ふるみ吉野今日見ればうべも戀ひけり山川淸み mina pitö nö kopuru miyosino kepu mireba ubë mo kopikeri yama kapa kiyomi All men Do love Yoshino, and When today it meets my gaze I understand their love For the purity of mounts and streams.
Composed upon moss. み吉野の靑根が嶽の蘿むしろ誰れか織りけむ經緯なしに miyosino nö awone ga takë nö kokemusirö tare ka orikemu tatenuki nasi ni In Yoshino The verdigris peak wears A mat of moss: Who could have woven it, With neither warp nor weft?
皆人の命も我れもみ吉野の瀧の常磐の常ならぬかも mina pitö nö inöti mo ware mo miyosino nö taki nö tokipa nö tunenaranu ka mo All men’s Lives – mine too As Yoshino Cataract’s eternal stones Should be changeless.
Envoys: 萬代に見とも飽かめやみ吉野のたぎつ河内の大宮所 yöröduyö ni mitömo akame ya miyosino nö tagitu kaputi nö opomiyadökörö Though for a myriad reigns I gaze, I’ll ne’er be full Of Yoshino’s Seething river shore, The mighty palace site.
Envoys: 年のはにかくも見てしかみ吉野の淸き河内のたぎつ白波 tösinöpa ni kaku mo mitesi ka miyosino nö kiyoki kaputi nö tagitu siranami Every year I would see them more: At Yoshino’s Clean river shore, The seething white rapids.
A poem composed by Kanamura, Lord Kasa, on the occasion of an imperial visit to the Yoshino Palace in summer, 7th year of Yōrō (723), Fifth Month. 瀧の上の 三船の山に 瑞枝さし 繁に生ひたる 栂の木の いや繼ぎ繼ぎに 萬代に かくし知らさむ み吉野の 秋津の宮は 神からか 貴くあるらむ 國からか 見が欲しからむ 山川を 淸みさやけみ うべし神代ゆ 定めけらしも tagi nö pë nö mipune nö yama ni miduye sasi s idi ni opitaru toga nö kï nö iyatugitugi ni yöröduyö ni kakusi sirasamu miyosino nö akidu … Continue reading MYS VI: 907→
During the final month of Spring on an imperial excursion to the palace at Yoshino, the Middle Councillor, Lord Ōtomo, composed this poem, with tanka, in reponse to an imperial command (this poem has not yet been presented to the throne). み吉野の 吉野の宮は 山からし 貴くあらし 川からし さやけくあらし 天地と 長く久しく 萬代に 變はらずあらむ 行幸しの宮 miyosino nö yosino nö miya pa yamakara si taputoku arasi kapakara si sayakëku … Continue reading MYS III: 315→
やすみしし 我ご大君は み吉野の 秋津の小野の 野の上には 跡見据ゑ置きて み山には 射目立て渡し 朝狩に 獸踏み起し 夕狩に 鳥踏み立て 馬竝めて 御狩ぞ立たす 春の茂野に yasumisisi wago opokimi pa miyosino nö akidu nö wono no no nö pë ni pa tomi suweokite miyama ni pa ime tatewatasi asa kari ni sisi pumiokosi, yupu kari ni töri pumitate uma namete mikari zö tatasu paru nö sigeno ni All-knowing, My great lord, In Yoshino, On the field of Akizu, On the … Continue reading MYS VI: 926→
Envoys: み吉野の象山の際の木末にはここだも騷く鳥の聲かも miyosino nö kisayama nö ma no könure ni pa kököda mo sawaku töri nö kowe ka mo In fair Yoshino Betwixt the Kisa mountains Among the treetops How very many noisy Bird calls!
Topic unknown. 春霞たてるやいつこみよしののよしのの山に雪はふりつつ Faru kasumi tateru ya iduko miyosino no yosino no yama yuki Fa Furitutu The spring haze Where does it rise? Not in Yoshino, On Yoshino mountain The snow just keeps on falling. Anonymous.