Here is a list of poetry contests held between 901-950.
- Aru tokoro no uta’awase 或所歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held in a Certain Place’), Night, 15th day of the Eighth Month, Shōtai 昌泰 4 [30.9.901]
- Aru tokoro senzai awase 或所前栽合 (‘Garden Contest held in a Certain Place’), 25th day of the Eighth Month, Shōtai 4 [10.10.901]
- Aru tokoro no uta’awase 或所歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held in a Certain Place’), Autumn, Before Engi 延喜 4 [904]
- Uda-in uta’awase 宇多院歌合 (‘Former Emperor Uda’s Poetry Contest’), Before Engi 延喜 5 [904]
- Sahyōe no suke sadafumi uta’awase 左兵衛佐定文歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held by Sadafumi, Assistant Captain of the Outer Palace Guards, Left Division’), 8th day of the Fourth Month, Engi 延喜 5 [3.6.905]
- Uhyōe shōjō sadafumi uta’awase 右兵衛少尉貞文歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held by Sadafumi, Junior Lieutenant of the Outer Palace Guards, Right Division’), Engi 延喜 6 [906]
- Sadafumi uta’awase 貞文歌合 (‘Sadafumi’s Poetry Contest’)
- Hon’in sadaijin-ke uta’awase 本院左大臣家歌合 (‘Poetry Contest at the House of the Hon’in Minister of the Left’), Autumn, Engi 延喜 5-8 [905-908]
- Teiji-in uta’awase 亭子院歌合 (‘Former Emperor Uda’s Poetry Contest’), 13th day of the Third Month, Engi 延喜 13 [22.4.913]
- Yōzei-in uta’awase 陽成院歌合 (‘Former Emperor Yōzei’s Poetry Contest’), Summer, Engi 延喜 12-13 [912-913]
- Teishi-in – onna shichi no miya uta’awase 亭子院・女七宮歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held by the Seventh Princess of Former Emperor Uda’), 13th day of the Eighth Month, Engi 延喜 13 [15.9.913]
- Fujitsubo nyōgo senzai awase 藤壺女御前栽合 (‘Garden Contest held by the Fujitsubo Junior Consort’), Autumn, Year unknown
- Yōzei-in uta’awase 亭子院歌合 (‘Former Emperor Uda’s Poetry Contest’), 9th day of the Ninth Month, Engi 延喜 13 [11.10.913]
- Dairi kiku awase 内裏菊合 (‘Palace Chrysanthemum Contest’), 13th day of the Tenth Month, Engi 延喜 13 [13.11.913]
- Teiji’in tenjōbito uta’awase 亭子院殿上人歌合 (‘Poetry Contest between Courtiers to Former Emperor Uda’), 7th day of the Seventh Month, Engi 延喜 16 [8.8.916]
- Fujitsubo nyōgo uta’awase 藤壺女御歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held by the Fujitsubo Junior Consort’), Eighth Month, Engi 延喜 19 [9.919]
- Kyōgoku no miyasudokoro uta’awase 京極御息所歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held by the Kyōgoku Lady of the Bedchamber’), Between the 7th day of the Third Month and the 7th day of the Fifth Month, Engi 延喜 21 [17.4.921-15.6.921]
- Ronshunjū uta’awase 論春秋歌合 (‘Poetry Contest Debating Spring and Autumn’), Year unknown
- Aru tokoro no shunjū mondō uta’awase 或所春秋問答歌合 (‘Question and Response Poetry Contes on Spring and Autumn held in a Certain Place’), Year unknown
- Yasuakira shinnō tachihaki no jin uta’awase 保明親王帯刀陣歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held by the Bodyguards of Imperial Prince Yasuakira’), Autumn, Engi 延喜 4-22 [904-922]
- Daigo ōntoki kiku awase 醍醐御時菊合 (‘Chrysanthemum Contest held during the Reign of the Daigo Emperor’), Early Winter, Engi 延喜 21-22 [921-922]
- Tōin senzai awase 東院前栽合 (‘Eastern Palace Garden Contest’), Autumn, Enchō 延長 5 [927]
- Shikibukyō atsuyoshi shinnō senzai awase 式部卿敦慶親王前栽合 (‘Garden Contest held by Imperial Prince Atsuyoshi, Minister of Ceremonial’), Autumn, Enchō 延長 2-7 [924-929]
- Onna shi no miya kinshi naishinnō uta’awase 女四宮勤子内親王歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held by Imperial Princess Isoko, the Fourth Princess’), Year unknown
- Ōmi no miyasudokoro uta’awase 近江御息所歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held by the Ōmi Lady of the Bedchamber’), Spring, before Enchō 延長 8 [930]
- Dairi uta’awase 内裏歌合 (‘Palace Poetry Contest’), Before the Ninth Month, Enchō 延長 8 [9.930]
- Dainagon tsunesuke ōgi awase 大納言恒佐扇合 (‘Fan Contest held by Major Counsellor Tsunesuke’), Summer, Shōhei 承平 5 [935]
- Tsurayuki uta’awase 貫之歌合 (‘Tsurayuki’s Poetry Contest’), 28th day of the Second Month, Tengyō 天慶 2 [21.3.939]
- Yōzei-in shinnō futari uta’awase 陽成院親王二人歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held by Two Imperial Princes of Former Emperor Yōzei’), Before the Seventh Month, Tengyō 天慶 6 [943]
- Aru tokoro no uta’awase 或所歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held in a Certain Place’), Year unknown
- Yōzei-in ichi no miko no himegimi tachi uta’awase 陽成院一親王姫君達歌合 (‘Poetry Contest held by Former Emperor Yōzei between the Daughters of the First Imperial Prince’), Overnight on the 15th day of the Ninth Month, Tenryaku 天暦 2 [19.10.948]