Tag Archives: awayuki

Minshū 2819

[One of] Five love poems in a Twenty Poem Sequence composed in his retreat in Kenryaku 2 [1212].


yatano no asaji
hito no kokoro no
mine no awayuki
By Arachi Mountain,
In Yata meadow the cogon grass
Has taken on passion’s hues, but
My lady’s heart is
A peak covered in snow-spume.


A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

SKKS I: 10

Composed on the conception of lingering snow, for the Hundred Poem Sequences Commemorating the Reign of Former Emperor Horikawa.


kasugano no
kusa no ue ni
tsurenaku miyuru
haru no awayuki
On the plain at Kasuga
Sprouting freshly everywhere are
Grasses, but atop them
Heartlessly, I see
The foamy snow of spring!

Provisional Middle Councillor Kunizane