Tag Archives: beach

Entō ōn’uta’awase 7

Round Seven

Left (Tie)


kesa wa mata
sore tomo miezu
kasumi no shita ni
urakaze zo fuku
This morning, once again,
I cannot that clearly see
Awaji Isle, but
Beneath the haze
The winds are blowing o’er the beach!

Chikanari, Ranked without Office



nabiku asake no
shiokaze ni
aranu keburi ya
ura ni tatsuran
Spring haze
Trails over with the morn—
Salt-fire breezes
It is not, yet does smoke
Seem to rise across the bay?

Ie’kiyo, Ranked without Office

Both Left and Right don’t seem bad. I make them a tie.

SKKS X: 945

Topic unknown.


kaze samumi
ise no hama ogi
koromo kari ga ne
nami ni naku nari
The wind’s so chill, as
Through the silver grass upon the beach at Ise
I forge my way, that
I’d borrow a robe with goose cries
Sounding ‘cross the waves!

Former Middle Counsellor Masafusa

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

SSZS XVI: 1817

He composed this, thinking of when his father Lord Yoshifumi had was in Tamazushima and composed:

waka no ura ni / na o todomekeru / yue araba / michishirube seyo / tamazushima-hime
‘Upon the Bay of Waka / To leave my name— / If only there was a way, then / I would have you guide me, / O Princess of Tamazushima!’


waka no uraji no
ato aru kata ni
michishirube seyo
Coming to pay a visit
To the ways of Waka Bay,
O, plovers on the beach,
How to follow in your footsteps
I would have you guide me!

Lord Ki no Yoshito

A kuzushiiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

SZS VII: 526

Composed on the conception of showers at a lodging on a journey, when people were composing for the Poetry Match at the Sumiyoshi Shrine.


sikitu no ura no
nezame ni Fa
sigure ni nomi ya
sode Fa nururan
Salt-seaweed grasses grow
On the beach at Shikitsu where
On waking is it
By the showers alone
That my sleeves have dampened?

Monk Shun’e

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

SKKS VI: 646

From the Hundred Poem Sequences presented for former Emperor Horikawa.


urakaze ni
fukiage no hama no
nami tachikurashi
yowa ni naku nari
Beach breezes
Blow up Fukiage shore, where
The plovers on the beach
As the waves break in the darkness,
Cry out with midnight.

Kii, from the Residence of Imperial Princess Sukeko

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.