Tag Archives: day

Dairi kiku awase 03


wagimoko ga
hi mo yūgure no
kiku nareba
akazu zo hana no
iro wa miekeru
My darling girl
Both day and eve is
As a chrysanthemum, so
Never sated am I with this flower’s
Hues I see.



kiku no hana
fuyu no kaze ni
chiri mo sede
kyō made tote ya
shimo wa okuran
Chrysanthemum blooms
In the winter wind
Scatter not;
Is it that up to today is when
Frost is said to fall?



kage sae ya
koyoi wa niou
kiku no hana
ama teru tsuki ni
ka no sowaruran
Even their shape
Fills tonight with a scented glow; Chrysanthemum blooms
To the heaven-shining moon
Seem to add their fragrance.


SZS I: 53

Composed on the conception of seeing blossom every morning.


taworu sakura no
asatuyu ni
Fana no tamoto no
nurenu Fi zo naki
I pay a visit and
Pluck, with my hand, a stem of cherry blossom;
The morning dew
My springtime sleeves
Dampens every single day!

The Naka-no-in Minister of the Right

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

Kinkai wakashū 48

Composed when I had held an archery entertainment, and made a model of Mount Yoshino, with a sage gazing at blossom upon it.


miyoshino no
yama no yamamori
hana o mite
naganagashi hi o
akazu mo aru kana
On fair Yoshino
Mountain, a guardian
Gazes on the blossom
Throughout the long, long day
He remains unsated!
A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

Teiji-in uta’awase 07

Left (Win)


sakura chiru
ko no shitakaze wa
sora ni shirarenu
yuki zo furikeru
The cherry scattering
Breeze beneath the trees
Lacks chill—
Unaware from within the skies
The snow is falling.





wa ga kokoro
haru no yamabe ni
naganagashi hi o
kyō mo kurashitsu
My heart to
The mountainside in springtime
Is drawn—
The long, long day
Today, too, has reached its dusk.



The Left wins. ‘The Right has “long, long” which is a disagreeable word. It was hissed through pursed lips with drooping shoulders,’ and so it lost.

[i] This poem is included in Shūishū (I: 64), with the headnote, ‘From Former Emperor Uda’s Poetry Contest’.

[ii] This poem is included in Shinkokinshū (I: 81), attributed to Tsurayuki with the headnote ‘A poem from Former Emperor Uda’s Poetry Contest’.

Tsurayuki-shū 321

On an old woman wiping her face with chrysanthemum dew on the ninth day of the Ninth Month.


kyō made ni
ware o omoeba
kiku no ue no
tsuyu wa chitose no
tama nizarikeru
Up until this day
Have you thought of me, so
Upon the chrysanthemums
These dewdrops, thousand year
Jewels do not seem to be.

Ki no Tsurayuki