wagimoko ga hi mo yūgure no kiku nareba akazu zo hana no iro wa miekeru | My darling girl Both day and eve is As a chrysanthemum, so Never sated am I with this flower’s Hues I see. |
kiku no hana fuyu no kaze ni chiri mo sede kyō made tote ya shimo wa okuran | Chrysanthemum blooms In the winter wind Scatter not; Is it that up to today is when Frost is said to fall? |
kage sae ya koyoi wa niou kiku no hana ama teru tsuki ni ka no sowaruran | Even their shape Fills tonight with a scented glow; Chrysanthemum blooms To the heaven-shining moon Seem to add their fragrance. |
yamabuki no hana no sakari ni narinureba ide no watari ni yukanu hi zo naki | The kerria Blossoms so fine Have become, so Toward Ide There’s not a day I will not go! |
Created with Soan.
michi sugara chirikau hana o yuki to mite yasurau hodo ni kono hi kurashitsu | All along, the road is So scattered with blossom that Seems as snow Idling along Shall I while the day away. |
Created with Soan.
With the passage of the day, so life falls into decline.
kyō kurenu inochi mo shika to odorokasu iriai no kane no oto zo kanashiki | The day has turned to twilight, and so Does life before you Notice it; The sunset bell’s Toll is sad, indeed. |
Monk Jakunen
Created with Soan.
Composed on the conception of seeing blossom every morning.
tadunekite taworu sakura no asatuyu ni Fana no tamoto no nurenu Fi zo naki | I pay a visit and Pluck, with my hand, a stem of cherry blossom; The morning dew My springtime sleeves Dampens every single day! |
The Naka-no-in Minister of the Right
Created with Soan.
On visiting the blossom.
hana o min to shi mo omowade koshi ware zo fukaki yamaji ni hikazu henikeru | To view the blossom I had no thought, but Here I am Deep upon the mountain trails Passing day after day. |
Created with Soan.
Composed when I had held an archery entertainment, and made a model of Mount Yoshino, with a sage gazing at blossom upon it.
miyoshino no yama no yamamori hana o mite naganagashi hi o akazu mo aru kana | On fair Yoshino Mountain, a guardian Gazes on the blossom Throughout the long, long day He remains unsated! |
Created with Soan.
Left (Win)
sakura chiru ko no shitakaze wa samukarade sora ni shirarenu yuki zo furikeru | The cherry scattering Breeze beneath the trees Lacks chill— Unaware from within the skies The snow is falling. |
wa ga kokoro haru no yamabe ni akugarete naganagashi hi o kyō mo kurashitsu | My heart to The mountainside in springtime Is drawn— The long, long day Today, too, has reached its dusk. |
The Left wins. ‘The Right has “long, long” which is a disagreeable word. It was hissed through pursed lips with drooping shoulders,’ and so it lost.
[i] This poem is included in Shūishū (I: 64), with the headnote, ‘From Former Emperor Uda’s Poetry Contest’.
[ii] This poem is included in Shinkokinshū (I: 81), attributed to Tsurayuki with the headnote ‘A poem from Former Emperor Uda’s Poetry Contest’.
nekutare no kami kezuru yo mo awazareba koishiki mono o kyō wa kurashitsu | My sleep-tangled Hair I comb tonight, even though We have not met, so The one I love will be In my thoughts all day long. |
On an old woman wiping her face with chrysanthemum dew on the ninth day of the Ninth Month.
kyō made ni ware o omoeba kiku no ue no tsuyu wa chitose no tama nizarikeru | Up until this day Have you thought of me, so Upon the chrysanthemums These dewdrops, thousand year Jewels do not seem to be. |
Ki no Tsurayuki
'Simply moving and elegant'