Tag Archives: Fujiwara no Akisuke


Composed in the conception of travel, when he presented a hundred poem sequence.


azumadi no
nozima ga saki no
Famakaze ni
wa ga Fimo yuFisi
imo ga kaFo nomi
omokage ni miyu
On Eastern roads
At Nojima Point
In the breeze from off the beach:
My belt was tied
By my darling, her face,
A vision, appears before me…

Master of the Left Capital Office, Akisuke

KYS VII: 379

Sent to a woman who had fled from him.


koFisu teFu
mozi no sekimori
iku tabi ka
ware kakituramu
kokoro dukusi ni
Love – with that
Word I am warden of the barrier at Moji;
How many times have
I written it?
To the utter exhaustion of my heart!

Fujiwara no Akisuke (1090-1155)

This poem is also: Akisuke-shū 顕輔集 (1155?) 5.

SKS IX: 303

Composed when he held a poetry competition at his house.


Fudi no takane ni
kumo kiete
kiyomi ga seki ni
sumeru tuki kana
All through this night
From the mighty peak of Fuji
Have the clouds cleared, and
Above the barrier of Kiyomi
Brightly shines the moon.

Akisuke, Master of the Left Capital Office

SZS V: 359

Composed as a poem on Autumn leaves, when he was in a poetry competition.


yama Fime ni
tiFe no nisiki wo
tamukete mo
tiru momidi wo
ikade todomemu
The divine princess of the mountain
Has the very choicest of brocades
Laid before her, yet
The scattering of the Autumn leaves
Can be halted, how?

Master of the Left Capital Office [Fujiwara no] Akisuke

SKS VI: 174

Sent to Master of the Left Capital Office [Fujiwara no] Akisuke when he went down to be Governor of Kaga.


yorokobi wo
kuFaFe ni isogu
tabi nareba
omoFedo e koso
Great pleasure
Adds to your rush
To be on your way, so
Though I might wish it I
Cannot detain you here.

Minamoto no Toshiyori