When he composed a hundred-poem sequence at his home.
ika bakari
mi ni shiminuran
tanabata no
tsuma matsu yoi no
ama no kawa kaze |
How deeply does
It pierce her breast, I wonder
The Weaver Maid
Awaits her man tonight
In the breeze off Heaven’s River. |
The Lay Priest and Former Chancellor and Grand Minister [Fujiwara no Kanezane]
Composed as a poem in the conception of hidden Love for a hundred poem sequence when the Regent [Fujiwara no Kanezane] was Minister of the Right.
asamasi ya
wosaFuru sode no
sita kuguru
namida no suwe wo
Fito ya mituran |
How pitiless!
From my restraining sleeves,
Beneath and through, slip
Tears-whither bound,
I wonder if she knows? |
Former Provisional Master of the Right Capital Office [Minamoto no] Yorimasa
Composed as a poem on sweet flags.
samidare ni
nurenure Fikamu
numa no iFagaki
nami mo koso kose |
In the constant drizzling rain,
Soaked, let us pick
Over the stony border of the marsh
Waves are breaking. |
The Regent and Former Minister of the Right [Fujiwara no Kanezane]
'Simply moving and elegant'