When he had occasion to compose poems for pictures of the Six Hours of Paradise for the Bifukumon’in Empress, he composed this on the hour of listening to great teachings and gratefully praising the Buddha.
ima zo kore
irihi o mite mo
mida nomi kuni no
yûgure no sora
Now, at this
Though I gaze upon the setting sun,
Fond within my thoughts
In the Land of Amida, alone,
Is the evening sky.
Master of the Dowager Empress’ Household Office Toshinari
When the Taikenmon’in Middle Councillor, at various people’s urging, composed poems on the 28 verses [of the Lotus Sutra]: on the spirit of saving all mankind, beyond measure, from the first verse.
kazu mo kagiranu
ika ni tatekeru
chikai naruran
We must pass over
Numbers without limit
Of bridge-pillars–
How can they remain standing (How can He
Make his vow?)
Master of the Dowager Empress’ Household Office Toshinari
Composed for a picture of the Rinji Festival at the Kamo Shrine on a folding screen prepared for the entrance of a Junior Consort to the palace in the 6th year of Bunji (1190).
tsuki sayuru
mitarashigawa ni
kage miete
kori ni sureru
yama’ai no sode
Clear, the moon,
Upon the Mitarashi River
Shines, seeming as
A design of ice upon
Indigo sleeves.
Master of the Dowager Empress’ Household Office Toshinari