Tag Archives: Fujiwara no Toshiyuki

KKS XII: 559

A poem from the Empress’ Poetry Competition held in the Kanpyō period.


suminoe no
kisi ni yoru nami
yoru saFe ya
yume no kayoFidi
Fitome yokuramu
As to Suminoe’s
Shore rush the waves
Why every night
Upon the path of dreams
Do I hide from other’s eyes?

Fujiwara no Toshiyuki

KKS XIV: 705

Narihira heard that Fujiwara no Toshiyuki had become close to a lady at his house, and had sent her a letter saying that he was coming directly, but that the falling rain might cause him some trouble; Narihira composed this on her behalf.


kazukazu ni
omoFi omoFazu
mi wo siru ame Fa
Furi zo masareru
Do you love me or love me not,
Is very hard to ask;
The rain knows how I feel full well
And falls all the harder.

Ariwara no Narihira

KKS XII: 558

A poem composed at a competition held by Her Majesty, the Empress during the Kampyō era (889-898).


utinuru naka ni
yume no tadadi Fa
ututu naranamu
Aching with love
In the depths of sleep
I tread to you
A straight dream road:
If only it were real…

Fujiwara no Toshiyuki

KKS V: 269

When he was commanded to compose a poem upon chrysanthemums, during the Kanpyō period.


Fisakata no
kumo no uFe nite
miru kiku Fa
ama tu Fosi to zo
Far distant,
The clouds: being above them
Do I see chrysanthemums
From the stars of Heaven


It is said he composed this poem on being summoned into the Courtiers’ Room, before having permission to be there.