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naniwagata mijikaki ashi no fushi no ma mo awade kono yo o sugushiteyo to ya In the Naniwa tidelands, Brief, indeed, are the reeds’ Span between the knots upon their stalks, but Such times in this world without meeting you— Are you really telling me to just go on like that?
Created with Soan .
Seafolk 泉郎 黒うしがたこぎいづるあまのとも舟は鱸つるにや波まわくらん
kuro’ushi gata kogi’izuru ama no tomobune wa suzuki tsuru ni ya namima wakuran From Kuro’ushi Inlet Row out the fisherfolk, All in boats together— I wonder, will they fish for seabass Forging between the breakers?
Love and Bridges. 難波がた入江に渡すまろき橋踏みそめしとや人は思はん
naniwagata irie ni watasu marokibashi fumisomeshi to ya hito wa omowan At the Naniwa tidelands Crossing the shore is A bridge of logs; Do I take that first step upon it? Did someone think once…
Fujiwara no Tadamichi
yukiki no fune no
tomogao ni
kayoi naretaru
urachidori kana
In Awaji Inlet
Coming and going are the boats:
So, too,
Accustomed to going back and forth are
The plovers from the beach!
'Simply moving and elegant'