Tag Archives: hige

MYS XVI: 3835

A poem presented to Imperial Prince Niitabe.


katumata no
ike pa ware siru
patisu nasi
sika ipu kimi ga
pige naki gotosi
Pond, I do know well:
It has no lotus;
And you say so, my Lord,
Have no beard, either!

A certain person has told me they had heard the following about this poem: Prince Niitabe had left the precincts of the capital for a pleasure trip and, on seeing Kasumata Pond, was deeply moved. On his return, his interest in the pond did not abate. Then, he said to a lady, ‘If you saw Katsumata Pond, where I went today, words could not describe the sight of the light reflecting brilliantly from the surface of the waters, and special beauty of the lotus flowers, which were in full bloom.’ Then the lady composed this humourous poem and sang it to him.