A poem by Ōtomo no sukune Yakamochi when he arrived at a maiden’s gate.
妹家之 門田乎見跡 打出来之 情毛知久 照月夜鴨
いもがいへの かどたをみむと うちいでこし こころもしるく てるつくよかも
imo ga ipe no kadota wo mimu to uti’idekosi kokoro mo siruku teru tukuyo kamo | My darling’s house has Rice fields before its door—to see them Have I come, My heart brightened on A shining moonlit night! |
Created with Soan.
Composed on the topic of ‘autumn wind at a hut in the fields’, when he had gone with various people to Lord Morokata’s residence at Unozu.
yū sareba kadota no inaba otozurete ashi no maroya ni akikaze zo fuku | When the evening comes The rice-seedling fronds before my door Sound out— Around this reed-roofed hut The autumn wind is blowing. |
Middle Councellor Tsunenobu
Created with Soan.
Composed on the moon at dawn at a mountain retreat.
yamazato no kadota no ine no Fonobono to akuru mo sirazu tuki o miru kana | At a mountain retreat, that The rice seedlings in the paddy ‘fore my gate Are dimly Brightening, I know not, for My gaze is on the moon! |
Middle Counsellor Akitaka
'Simply moving and elegant'