Tag Archives: Kiyomi

MYS III: 440

[One of] Four poems composed by the Riverside Courtier on seeing the coffin of a lady in the pine groves of Himeshima in Wadō 4 [712].


imo mo ware mo
kiyomi no kapa no
kapagisi no
imo ga kuyubeki
kokoro pa matazi
Both my darling and I, too,
On Kiyomi River
For my darling’s regretful
Heart, I failed to wait, alas…

Love VII: 19


au koto wa
nawashiro mizu o
tōshihatenu ya
oyamada no seki
Can a meeting, like
The waters round the rice seedlings
Be stopped
In their endless flow
Past the Oyamada Barrier?


Right (Win).

koromode wa
kiyomi ga seki ni
tayuru yo mo naki
namida narikeri
My sleeves as
The Barrier at Kiyomi
Are not, yet
Without cease
Are my tears…

Lord Tsune’ie.

The Right state: we are unfamiliar with the expression ‘Oyamada Barrier’ (oyamada no seki). The Left state: it sounds as if it is tears that are ceaseless at the Barrier at Kiyomi.

In judgement: the Left’s poem is stylistically tasteful, but with only ‘can a meeting, like the waters round the rice seedlings’ (au koto wa nawashiro mizu) the conception of love is weak is it not? The Right’s poem metaphorically has tears ceaseless at the Barrier at Kiyomi, and with the ta present, I accept the Left’s point to a certain extent, but this type of thing is not unusual in metaphorical poems.  In addition, there is little reason to imagine the waters round the rice-seedlings being blocked. As it has a stronger focus on Love, the Right wins.

SKS IX: 303

Composed when he held a poetry competition at his house.


Fudi no takane ni
kumo kiete
kiyomi ga seki ni
sumeru tuki kana
All through this night
From the mighty peak of Fuji
Have the clouds cleared, and
Above the barrier of Kiyomi
Brightly shines the moon.

Akisuke, Master of the Left Capital Office

MYS III: 296

[One of] two poems composed by Taguchi no Masuhito, when he was appointed Governor of Kamitsuke and had gone to the Kiyomi Peninsula.


ipopara no
kiyomi no saki no
mipo no ura no
yutakeki mitutu
mono’omopi mo nasi
In Ihohara
From Kiyomi Point
Upon Miho Bay’s
Breadth I gaze,
Having no sad thoughts at all.

Taguchi no Masuhito