natsuyama ni naku naru semi no kogakurete aki chikashi to ya koe mo oshimanu In the summer mountains Sing the cicadas Hidden in the trees— Is it the approaching autumn, that Make them unstinting with their song?
A cuckoo at dusk.
yū yami no tazutazushiki ni hototogisu koe uraganashi michi ya modoeru In the evening gloam Faintly A cuckoo’s Call is somehow sad— Has he lost his way, perhaps?
On the beginning of summer.
natsugoromo tatsuta no yama no hototogisu itsu shika nakan koe o kikaba ya As a summer robe On Tatsuta Mountain, O, cuckoo, I would have you swiftly sing, For your song I long to hear…
Round Seventeen
Left (Tie)
sanomi ya wa kokoro arubeki hototogisu nezame no sora ni hitogoe mogana Not much of The heart can you know, O, cuckoo, but On waking from the sky I would hear a single call.
A Court Lady 33
yawatayama mukai no sato no hototogisu shinobishi kata no koe mo kawarazu By Yawata Mountain, At the estate of Mukai, A cuckoo, Fondly remembers someone With a changeless song!
Lord Ietaka 34
The Left’s poem would seem to fail to reflect the essential meaning of the topic of cuckoos by having it not yet being heard, and thus its overall technique seems dreadful. The Right’s poem also lacks any superlative elements, they must tie.
[An acrostic] Composed on ryūtamu [gentian].
風さむみなくかりがねのこゑによりうたむ 衣をまづやかさまし
kaze samumi naku kari ga ne no koe ni yori utamu koromo omazu ya kasamashi That the wind is chill From the crying goose calls’ Sounds, I know; The robes you’re fulling First I would you lend me…
Created with Soan.
After I had had a large number of people compose on kerria on the riverbed.
koe takami kawazu nakunari ide no kawa kishi no yamabuki ima ka chiruran With voices loud The frogs are crying; Is it that on Ide’s river Banks the kerria Now are scattering?
Created with Soan.
Composed on plovers on the road to the barrier.
awajishima kayou chidori no naku koe ni ikuyo nezamenu suma no sekimori Around Awaji Isle The plovers fly about; Their calling cries Start him awake on how many nights— The barrier warden of Suma?
Minamoto no Kanemasa
Created with Soan .
suzumushi no koe no kagiri o tsukushitemo nagaki yo akazu furu namida kana The bell-crickets The very limits of their song Have exhausted, but This long night, unending is The falling of my tears!
Yugei no myōbu
Created with Soan .
When he composed a hundred-poem sequence.
taguekuru matsu no arashi ya tayumuran onoe ni kaeru saoshika no koe Accompanying The storm wind through the pines, when Might it fade away? Returning to the summit, goes The belling of a stag…
The Regent and Palace Minister
Created with Soan .
One of Takekuma’s pines had withered.
takekuma no matu mo Fito moto karenikeri kaze ni katabuku kowe no sabisisa At Takekuma A single pine Has withered; Brushed by the breeze Loneliness is given voice…
Created with Soan .
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