Topic unknown.
makimoku no hibara mo imada kumoraneba komatsu ga hara ni awayuki zo furu | In Makimoku The cypress groves are as yet Unclouded, but Upon the dwarf-pine groves Snow spume is falling! |
Middle Counsellor Yakamochi
Created with Soan.
巻向之 檜原毛未 雲居者 子松之末由 沫雪流
makimuku no pibara mo imada kumowineba komatu ga ure yu apayuki nagaru | In Makimuku The cypress groves are as yet Untouched by cloud, but From the dwarf-pines’ tops Snow spume oes run. |
Lakes 水海
sazanami ya komatsu ni tachite miwataseba mio no misaki ni tazu mureteyuku | Rocked by wavelets Breaking on the dwarf-pines I gaze across Fair Mio point upon The flocking cranes. |
A poem composed on the occasion of the Imperial visit to the province of Ki in the first year of Taihō [701].
noti mimu to kimi ga musuberu ipasiro no komatu ga ure wo mata mo mimu kamo | Thinking to see it more The Prince did tie At Iwashiro Pine saplings’ tips – I wonder, will he see them more… |
This poem appears in the Kakinonomoto no Hitomaro Collection.
On autumn: when celebrating with Tōkei at Onagisawa.
aki ni sōte
yukaba ya sue wa
komatsu gawa |
Along with autumn
If I were to go, at the end would be
The Komatsu River! |
'Simply moving and elegant'