Tag Archives: Kume

Eikyū hyakushu 458

Lacking a Glimpse of Love Letters 不見書恋


kazuragi ya
kume no iwabashi
fumi minedo
watarigatashi to
sora shiritsutsu
At Kazuragi stands
Kume’s broken stony bridge:
No sight of letters from you, yet
How hard it is to cross – that
The skies do ever know…


Sanekata Shū 249

Sent to a lady when I had heard that another man had written to her while she was in the birthing hut.


Fitokotonusi ya
ika naramu
taFe ma ni waburu
kume no iFabasi
Uneasy am I:
The Master of a Single Word
Is up to something…
Our time apart is a rift as in
Kume’s unfinished bridge of stone.