Round Twenty-Two
Left (Win)
shimogare no magaki no naka ni yuki fureba kiku yori nochi no hana mo arikeri When, burned by frost, Within my lattice fence There is a fall of snow, After the chrysanthemums, There are flowers, even so.
Suketaka 43
hana sakeba yuki ka to misete yuki fureba hana ka to misuru miyoshino no yama When the blossom blooms I wonder if ‘tis snow, and When the snow does fall I wonder if ‘tis blossom In the mountains of fair Yoshino.
Kūnin 44
Both are elegant, but even so the Right should lose.
Round Six
Left (Win)
ume no hana orite kazaseba kisaragi no yuki wa koromo ni otsuru narikeri When plum blossom I pluck and wear within my hair, Second Month Snows upon my robe Do fall!
Masashige 11
toki naranu u no hana tomo ya omowamashi kakine no ume no ka orazariseba Unseasonal Deutzia blooms might I think them? Did the plum by my lattice fence Fail to scent the air…
Atsuyori 12
The Left is not lacking in conception.
Round Three
Left (Tie)
ashigaki no oku yukashiku mo miyuru kana ta ga sumu yado no ume no tachie zo A fence of reeds and Within, how charming They appear! Who is it dwells at this house of Beckoning branches of plum?
Lord Kiyosuke 5
hibari agaru haru no higurashi sode tarete kakine no ume no hana miru ware wa Skylarks soar In springtime all day long, Dangling my sleeves, upon The plum inside the lattice fence, At the blossom gaze I…
Kenshō 6
The Left is in cliched style, while the final line of the Right is interrupted—a tie, I think.
Topic unknown.
ana koFisi ima mo mitesika yamagatu no kakiFo ni sakeru yamato nadesiko O, how sweet! And how I long to see The mountain peasant’s Lattice fence, where blooms My darling Yamato pink!
On the conception of chrysanthemums under the moon by a lattice fence, when she presented a hundred poem sequence.
shimo o matsu magaki no kiku no yoi no ma ni okimayou iro wa yama no ha no tsuki Awaiting the frost By my lattice fence, the chrysanthemums In the midst of night Are draped in puzzling hues By the moon from off the mountains’ edge.
Created with Soan .
From among his miscellaneous poems.
kurenuru ka magaki no take no murasuzume negura arasou koe sawagunari Is it dusk? Along the bamboo of my lattice fence A flock of sparrows Quarrelling over roosts Is chirping noisily, indeed!
The Jōmyōji Minister of the Left 浄妙寺左大臣
Created with Soan .
The Beginning of Summer
furusato wa kodakakeredomo kimi naranu hototogisu ni mo utomarenikeri Around this ancient estate The trees grow high, yet Not by you alone, By the cuckoo, too Am I despised.
Tadamine 7
Right (Win)
yamagatsu no kakiho ni sakeru u no hana wa ta ga shirotae no koromo kakeshi zo Along the mountain man’s Lattice fence bloom Deutzia: Whose white mulberry Robes are hung there?
Mitsune 8
hima o arami take no sugaki no shita saete yonayona furu wa mizore narikeri Having gaps The lattice bamboo fence Is chill beneath, as Night after night falls Sleet.
kesa mizu wa
magainamashi o
yūgao no
kakine ni shiroku
sakeru u no hana
This morning I failed to see, but
Perhaps, mistook
On the lattice fence brightly
Blooming for deutzia…
Ōe no Masafusa
This poem is also Eshishū 379
kyō to ieba
yagate magaki no
shiragiku zo
tazuneshi hito no
sode to miekeru
On this day
At last, along my lattice fence
White chrysanthemums:
Seeming like the sleeves of
One who came to call…
Lord Kanemune.
sakazuki ni
ukaberu kyō no
kage yori ya
shiragiku no hana
In my wine cup
Floating on this day:
Does the moonlight
Bring on changing hues
For white chrysanthemum blooms?
The Right say that having the phrase ‘at last, along my lattice fence’ (yagate magaki no ) continuing one from the other is ‘unsatisfactory’ [kokoroyukazu ]. The Left say that the Right’s phrasing sounds as if the change in colour is brought about by the blossom floating in the wine cup, rather than the moonlight, and query if this is appropriate.
Shunzei’s judgement: Is the Left’s ‘at last, along my lattice fence’ that poor [ashiku ya wa ]? Furthermore, the Right’s poem simply means ‘when floating in the wine cup’ the colours ‘change’. Neither poem has any conspicuous faults [tomo ni toganaku kikoyu ]. The round should tie.
'Simply moving and elegant'