When I had composed a large number of love poems.
haruru yo no hoshi no hikari no kazukazu ni omou omoi no sora ni magaen On a cloudless night The light from the stars Uncountable, with My fire-filled, passionate thoughts Seem to blend within the skies.
ashihiki no yama hototogisu miyama idete yobukaki tsuki no kage ni naku nari Leg-wearying The mountain cuckoo Emerges from the mountains’ heart and, Deep within the night the moon’s Light shines upon his song!
The moon over an ancient estate in spring.
furusato wa mishi goto mo arazu arenikeri kage zo mukashi no haru no yo no tsuki This ancient estate Is not as I remember, Lying all in ruins, but The light is as of old from The moon this springtime night.
Created with Soan.
Round 5
Left (Win)
asahi kage mada ideyaranu ashihiki no yama wa kasumi no iro zo utsurou The morning sunlight Has yet to fall upon The leg-wearying Mountains, yet the haze’s Hues are shifting.
Takasuke, Gentleman-in-Waiting 9
yamahime no kasumi no sode mo kurenai ni hikari soetaru asahi kage kana The mountain princess has Her sleeves of haze turned Scarlet Draped with light by The morning sunshine!
Shimotsuke 10
The Left’s poem has no faults worth pointing out; the poem of the Right’s ‘morning sunlight draping scarlet light across the sleeves of haze’ is overly gorgeous, I think, while the Left seems perfectly beautiful, so it should win.
Composed as a poem on the moon.
aki no yo wa koromo samushiro kasanetemo tsuki no hikari ni shiku mono zo naki On an autumn night Even with a robe and chilly blanket both Piled on, The moon’s light Spreading, is entirely matchless.
Major Counsellor Tsunenobu
Created with Soan .
When he presented a Hundred Poem Sequence to Former Emperor Sutoku.
akikaze ni tanabiku kumo no taema yori more’izuru tsuki no kage no sayakesa The autumn wind Streams clouds, and From gaps between Leaks the moon’s Light, so clear and bright.
Master of the Left Capital Office Akisuke
Created with Soan .
Sent when he had returned home from a lady’s house on a day when the snow was falling.
akenureba kururu mono to Fa sirinagara naFo uramesiki asaborake kana Dawn has broken, and That dusk will come I know for certain, but Still, I hate The morning light!
Fujiwara no Michinobu
Created with Soan .
Topic unknown.
honobono to ariake no tsuki no tsukikage ni momiji fuki’orosu yama’oroshi no kaze Faintly The dawntime moon’s Light falls upon Scarlet leaves blown down By the wild mountain wind.
Lord Minamoto no Sane’akira
Created with Soan .
Composed gazing at the moon over Hirosawa.
sumu Fito mo naki yamazato no aki no yo Fa tuki no Fikari mo sabisikarikeri No folk dwell around This mountain retreat, where On an autumn night The moon’s very light is Filled with lonliness.
Lord Fujiwara no Norinaga
Created with Soan .
Composed when seeing someone who had had some success lamenting that he had lost it, and reflecting that he himself had neither griefs nor joys.
Fikari naki tani ni Fa Faru mo yoso nareba sakite to kutiru mono’omoFi mo nasi From a lightless Valley springtime Is far away, so that Blossoming then fading is No source of gloomy thought for me!
Kiyowara no Fukayabu
Created with Soan .
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