ipasiro no nonaka ni tateru musubimatu kokoro mo tokezu inisipe omopoyu | At Iwashiro Amid the fields do stand Bound pines; My heart will not unbind, Caught in thought of times long gone… |
Naga no Okimaro
Two poems composed by Naga no imiki Okimaro, grieving at the sight of the bound pine.
ipasiro no kisi no matu ga e musubikemu pito pa kaperite mata mikemu kamo |
On Iwashiro’s Shore, a pine’s branches It seems he tied – I wonder, will he return And see them once more… |
Naga no Okimaro
sugomo siki awona nite komu utupari ni mukabaki kakete yasumu kono kimi |
Let’s lay out the tablecloth, and Bring boiled turnip! Upon the rafters, With your over-mantle on Oh, dozing man of mine! |
Naga no Okimaro