For the place where Nunohiki Falls was painted, on a screen in the Saishō Hall of the Four Heavenly Kings.
hisakata no ama tsu otome ga natsugoromo kumoi ni sarasu nunohiki no taki | Eternal Heavenly maidens Their summer garb Rinsing among the clouds— The cataract at Nunohiki |
Lord Ari’ie
Created with Soan.
Waterfalls 滝
kachimake o tare ka wa miken toshi o hete onaji hodo naru nunohiki no take | Victory or defeat, Who is it that might see it? As the years go by They are both the same to The cascade of Nunohiki. |
Composed when people had gathered below Nunohiki Falls and were composing poems.
Fito koto arurasi
siratama no
ma naku mo tiru ka
sode no sebaki ni |
Plucking them apart to glimpse their disarray:
There must be someone there!
White jewelets
Scattering without a halt,
And my sleeve too narrow! |
'Simply moving and elegant'