Tag Archives: omoi

SKKS XI: 1032

Composed on the conception of summer love, when the Regent and Palace Minister held a poetry contest at his residence.


omoi areba
sode ni hotaru o
tsutsumite mo
iwaba ya mono o
tou hito wa nashi
I am filled with passion’s fire, but
Even should my sleeves fireflies
Wrap up,
‘What do you ponder on?’—
There’s no one to enquire of me…[1]

Monk Jakuren

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

[1] An allusive variation on Gosenshū IV: 209; and a poem which Kenshō cites in his judgement of the poems in Round 1310 of Sengohyakuban uta’awase 千五百番歌合 (‘Poetry Contest in 1500 Rounds’): あめふればのきのたま水つぶつぶといはばやものを心ゆくまで ame fureba / noki no tamamizu / tsubutsubu to / iwaba ya mono o / kokoro yuku made ‘The rain falls and / Jewelled droplets from my eaves / Drip one by one: / Should I ponder on that / Until my heart is eased?’

SIS XI: 673

Sent to a woman’s residence.


Fito sirenu
omoFi Fa tosi mo
ware nomi siru Fa
Unknown to all are
My passionate thoughts as the years
Go by, yet that
I, alone, am aware of them
If pointless.

The Ononomiya Palace Minister

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

Yōzei-in uta’awase (Engi jūni-nen natsu) 10



mi yori mata
omoi wa koto ni
natsumushi no
narite mo mata mo
tanomikeru kana
From my flesh, once more
Passion’s flame, especially, into
A firefly
Has made me still—
On that you can rely!


A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.



natsumushi no
wa ga tamashii ni
mi o kaete
kokoro gokoro ni
kogarekeru kana
Into a firefly
Soul has
My flesh transformed—
Every corner of my heart
Is smouldering!


A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.