Tag Archives: passions

SIS XI: 633

When he was a gentleman-in-waiting[1] and had just started speaking to Masatada’s daughter.[2]


mi ni simite
omoFu kokoro no
tuFi ni iro ni mo
idenubeki kana
Within my flesh
The feelings of my heart
Are buried deep, but
At long last my passions
Can be revealed!

Supernumerary Middle Counsellor Atsutada

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

[1] Atsutada was made a gentleman-in-waiting (jijū 侍従) on the 12th day of the First Month, Engi 延喜23 [31.1.923], dating this poem to after that point.

[2] The identity of this woman is unknown.