Topic unknown.
wata tu umi no oki tu siFoaFi ni ukabu awa no kienu mono kara yoru kata mo nasi Across the broad sea sweep In the offing upon the clashing tides Floats foam Endlessly, though It has nowhere to go…
Presenting rice and oil to the Buddha.
kumo mo umi mo tsukiji to zo omou kimi ga tame hiroki kokoro no kagiri nakereba Both clouds and sea Shall never end I feel! For you, my Lord, The breadth of my heart Has no limits, at all…
Created with Soan.
Topic unknown.
ise no umi no ama no turinaFa utiFaFete kurusi to nomi ya omoFiwataramu Upon the sea at Ise Fisher-folk their lines Play out Endlessly in pain Shall my thoughts upon you dwell?
Created with Soan .
In the same reign, when His Majesty’s Gentlemen were drawing topic by lot and presenting poems, he drew ‘fishing boats’ and composed this.
iFa orosu kata koso nakere ise no umi no siFose ni kakaru ama no turibune To drop their stones Is there no place at all, At the sea off Ise Caught by the rushing tides are The seafolk’s fishing boats…
Supernumerary Middle Counsellor Toshitada
Created with Soan .
When the Nishi-shijō Ise Virgin[1] was still a princess, while there were some tender feelings between them, it was decided that she should become Ise Virgin,[2] so at dawn on the following day, he had this sent to her, attached to a branch of sakaki .
ise no umi no tiFiro no Fama ni FiroFu to mo ima Fa nani teFu kaFi ka arubeki By the sea at Ise Across a thousand yards of beach Would I gather them, but Now what use Might be these seashells?
Lord Atsutada
Created with Soan .
[1] Imperial Princess Gashi 雅子 (910-954), the tenth daughter of Emperor Daigo.
[2] Gashi was announced as Ise Virgin on the 25th day of the Twelfth Month, Shōhei 承平 1 [4.2.932], dating this poem to 5th February 932.
Round Forty-Eight
mika no hara wakite nagaruru izumigawa itsu miki tote ka koishikaruran Across the fields at Mika Runs The river Kizu When was it there we met That I should love you so?
ikari orosu kata koso nakere ise no umi no shiohi ni kakaru ama no tsuribune To drop anchor Is there no way at all, so At the sea off Ise Caught by the lowering tide are The seafolk’s fishing boats…
[i] SKKS XI: 996: Topic unknown.
[ii] This poem is not listed as occurring in any other anthology, or collection.
Lilac Daphne
Left (Tie)
かたをかにひのはな ばなにみえつるはこのもかのもにたれかつけつる
kataoka ni hi no hana bana ni mietsuru wa konomo kanomo ni tare katsuketsuru Upon the hillside The fires as flowers Do appear— Here and there, Who has kindled them?
Tsurayuki 17
わたつみのおきなかにひのはな れいでてもゆとみゆるはあまつほしかも
watatsumi no oki naka ni hi no hana re’idete moyu to miyuru wa ama tsu hoshi kamo Across the broad sea sweep Upon the offing, fires In the distance Burn it seems— Stars within the heavens, perhaps…
Tomonori 18
hitori nuru mi no koromode wa umi nare ya miru ni namida zo ma naku yosekere Sleeping alone Is my sleeve The sea? For looking upon it, waves of tears Break there ceaselessly.
toshi o hete moyu chō fuji no yama yori mo awanu omoi wa ware zo masareru Through all the passing years Burns Fuji; Far more than the mountain, Not meeting you, the flames of passion, Burn brightly in me.
[1] Shikashū VII: 202/Shinchokusenshū XII: 710
shiratsuyu zo shimo to narikeru fuyu no yo wa ama no kawa sae mizu kōrikeri Silver dewdrops Have turned to frost On this winter’s nightEven the River of Heaven’sWaters have frozen.
fuyu no umi ni furi’iru yuki ya soko ni ite haru tatsu nami no hana to sakuran Upon the sea in winter, Falling down, is the snow: Does it rest upon the bed and With the waves breaking in springtime Bloom into blossom?
nago no umi no urabe ni ouru hamatsuzura taema kurushiki mono o koso omoe At Nago, by the sea Upon the beach grows Chasteberry: At the breaks between, sad Indeed, are my thoughts.
Minister of Justice [Minamoto no] Toshisane 13
hamatsuzura taema taema o nagekasete kurushi to omou wa ga kokoro zo wa Chasteberry: The many breaks between Do cause me grief, and Pain is the feeling that Fills my heart!
Kai, from the Shijō Palace 14
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