On wind, from among His Former Majesty’s Miscellaneous poems.
hibikikuru matsu no ure yori fuki’ochite kusa ni koe yamu yama no shitakaze | Echoes come From the pine-branch tips, as Gusting down and Losing its voice among the grass Is the wind from off the mountains |
His Former Majesty [Fushimi]
Created with Soan.
Left (Win)
sakura chiru ko no shitakaze wa samukarade sora ni shirarenu yuki zo furikeru | The cherry scattering Breeze beneath the trees Lacks chill— Unaware from within the skies The snow is falling. |
wa ga kokoro haru no yamabe ni akugarete naganagashi hi o kyō mo kurashitsu | My heart to The mountainside in springtime Is drawn— The long, long day Today, too, has reached its dusk. |
The Left wins. ‘The Right has “long, long” which is a disagreeable word. It was hissed through pursed lips with drooping shoulders,’ and so it lost.
[i] This poem is included in Shūishū (I: 64), with the headnote, ‘From Former Emperor Uda’s Poetry Contest’.
[ii] This poem is included in Shinkokinshū (I: 81), attributed to Tsurayuki with the headnote ‘A poem from Former Emperor Uda’s Poetry Contest’.
usuki kaFinaku
aki mateba
ko no sitakaze no
yamazu Fukanamu |
My summer garb is
Thin, but to no effect, so
I will wait for autumn, then
Beneath the trees the breezes
Will blow ceaselessly! |
'Simply moving and elegant'