Summer rain
samidare wa kokoro aranan kumoma yori idekuru tsuki o mateba kurushi mo O, summer rain, Show me some pity! That from between your clouds To emerge, the moon I await, and suffer so…
Sweet flags
samidare ni mizu masarurashi ayamegusa ureba kakurete karu hito no naki The summer rain has Raised the waters high, it seems, for The sweet flags’ Leaf tips are hidden, and There’s no one to reap them.
hototogisu kikedomo akazu tachibana no hana chiru sato no samidare no koro The cuckoo I hear, yet am never sated, when Orange Blossom scatters round my estate In the summer rain…
samidare no kumo no kakareru makimoku no hibara ga mine ni naku hototogisu Summer rain Clouds hang over Makimoku Peak where from the cypress groves A cuckoo calls.
samidare no tsuyu mo mada hinu okuyama no maki no hagakure naku hototogisu The summer rain’s Dewy droplets have yet to dry Deep within the mountains, where Hidden ‘mongst the evergreen leaves A cuckoo calls out.
samidare ni yo no fukeyukeba hototogisu hitori yamabe o nakitesugu nari In the summer rain, As the night fall on, A cuckoo All alone from the mountainside Does call, passing by.
Composed on summer rain for a poetry match, after the Thirty Day Sutra Recitation[1] held at the residence of the Uji Former Grand Minister[2] .
samidare ni midu no mimaki no makomogusa kariFosu Fima mo arazi to zo omoFu In the summer rain At Mizu, the royal pasture grows Wild rice, but To reap and dry it no time There is at all, I feel!
Created with Soan .
[1] The Thirty Day Sutra Recitation (Sanjikkō 三十講)was an event where the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings (Ananta Nirdeśa Sūtra ; Jp. Muryōgi-kyō 無量義経), the twenty-eight fascicles of the Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtram ; Jp. Hokke-kyō 法華経) and the Samantabhadra Meditation Sūtra (Jp. Kanfugen-kyō 観普賢経) were read aloud over thirty consecutive days, or occasionally over fifteen consecutive days with readings each morning and evening.
[2] Fujiwara no Yorimichi 藤原頼通 (992-1074)
samidare ni kusa no iori wa kuzuredomo hotaru to naru zo ureshikarikeru In the early summer rain Grassy lodgings Wither away, yet That they turn to fireflies Brings me joy.
Ōe no Masafusa
hayaku zo masaru
amagumo no
noboreba kudaru
samidare no koro
The River Mogami
Flows exceeding fast;
Clouds within the heavens
Rise and fall
With the summer rains round now…
Yoshida Kenkō
'Simply moving and elegant'