Tag Archives: taka

GSIS XI: 661

Composed on the conception of love as a year passes when people were at the residence of the Regent and former Minister of the Left.


ware ga mi Fa
togaFeru taka to
tosi Fa Furedomo
kowi Fa wasurezu
My flesh as
A hawk returning to its mews
Has become;
A year has passed, yet
This love I will not forget.

The Minister of the Left [Minamoto no Toshifusa]

Eikyū hyakushu 356

Imperial Visits to the Fields


fuyu fukaki
nobe no miyuki no
kyō shi mo are
shirō no taka o
suetekeru kana
In the depths of winter
An imperial visit to the meadows
Was there today,
Hawks of white
Would be ready there!

Higo, from the Residence of the Kyōgoku Regent

Winter I: 25



ōhara ya
nobe no miyuki ni
tokoro ete
soratoru kyō no
mashirō no taka
Plain for an Imperial Progress is
Most apt;
Catching prey a’wing this day
Is a white banded hawk!



Right (Win).


saga no hara
hashiru kigisu no
kata ato wa
kyō no miyuki ni
kakurenaki kana
On the field of Saga
Racing, the pheasants’
Today’s Imperial Progress
Will not come at all…



The Right state that ‘most apt’ (tokoro ete) is rarely heard in poems. The Left reply that ‘track’ (kata ato) is the same.

Shunzei’s judgement: The poem of the Left sounds grandiose, but there is something dubious about it. When starting with Ōhara (ōhara ya), one expects it to be followed by ‘Oshio Mountain’, as it suggests the field of Ōhara. Without that following Oshio Mountain, when one encounters Ōhara, on recollects both ‘misty clear waters’ and ‘waters of a pure, peaceful well’, and does not know to which the Ōhara refers. There is no precedent at all for Imperial vists to the Ōhara which lies at the foot of Mount Hiei. There are, however, for visits to Mount Oshio. In the poem on ‘waters of a pure, peaceful well’, it states that ‘though there are no birds, we visit for our pleasure’, so it would be impossible for the ‘white banded hawk’ to take prey a’wing there. I have heard ‘tracks’ before, but the poem has little sense of truly knowing ‘Saga Field’, yet there have, without doubt, been Imperial visits there, so ‘tracks’ must be the better poem.