Tag Archives: today

SKS I: 29

Composed during the reign of former Emperor Ichijō, when His Majesty was presented with a gift of some eightfold cherry blossom from Nara and, being in attendance, he ordered her to composed a poem on this gift of blossom.


inishie no
nara no miyako no
kyō kokonoe ni
nioinuru kana
The ancient
Capital of Nara had
Eightfold cherry blossom, that
Today within the ninefold palace
Does shine!

Ise no Taiyū

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.


At about the time the Naka Chancellor began visiting her regularly.


wasureji no
yukusue made wa
kyō o kagiri no
inochi to mogana
Never to be forgotten
In all the days to come is
Hard to believe, so
If only today was the limit
Of my life…

The Mother of Gidō Sanshi

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

KYS II: 91

Composed on the conception of love at the end of the Third Month.


Faru Fa wosi
Fito Fa koyoi to
keFu no kure kana
Regretting the departure of spring, and
Tonight, my man
Wracked with painful thoughts
Does today reach its dusk!

The Minister of the Centre

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

GSS VII: 423

When a man she had been seeing had failed to visit for a long time, she sent him this in the Longest Month.


oFokata no
aki no sora dani
kanasiki ni
kinoFu keFu kana
As ever,
Even the autumn sky’s
Sadness is
Overlaid with gloomy thoughts
Today, and the day before!


A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.