Composed on spending spring accompanied by nothing but blossom.
tiranu ma Fa Fana wo tomo nite suginubesi Faru yori noti no siru Fito mogana While still unscattered The blossom is my only friend, and When ‘tis past And spring is gone, then Would I have folk to know!
The Hanazono Minister of the Left
Created with Soan .
New Year Archery
haru sareba kataya tabasami tomone uchi wa ga katsu yumi no kazu zo kasanaru When the spring does come, An arrow grasped in hand, Bracers snapping My victorious bows’ Numbers mount up!
Left 心ゆく野路の旅寝の友なくはいとど都や恋しからまし
kokoro yuku noji no tabine no tomo naku wa itodo miyako ya koishikaramashi To ease my heart While sleeping on my travels ‘tween the fields I have no friend at all, so How much more the capital Does seem dear to me now!
Lord Kanemune 1155
Right (Win) 立ち宿る一夜ばかりの契だにさてながらふる人もある世を
tachiyadoru hitoyo bakari no chigiri dani sate nagarauru hito mo aru yo o Lodging on one’s travels, For just a single night, A love That lasts with A lady does happen sometimes, yet…
Nobusada 1156
The Right state: the Left’s poem has no entertainers, or conception of love, either. The Left state: the Right’s poem lacks entertainers.
In judgement: it seems that the Gentlemen of both teams have already stated that both poems lack the conception of Love. However, they seem to me to both capture the conception of entertainers. The Right’s configuration and conception are fine. It should win, I think.
Topic unknown.
tare wo ka mo
siru Fito ni semu
takasago no
matu mo mukasi no
tomo naranaku ni
Who is it that
I can say I know?
Pines are no longer
My friends as of old…
Fujiwara no Okikaze
haru no no no
shitakusa nabiki
ware mo yori
tomo no mani mani
In the spring meadows,
The grasses flutter, just so
Do I draw near,
Deeply dyed,
As are all my friends…
nani su to
tagapi pa woramu
ina mo o mo
tomo no naminami
ware mo yorinamu
What to do?
I will differ and
For good or ill
Be as my friends, so
I, too, will yield to him!
sini mo iki mo
onadi kokoro to
tomo ya tagapamu
ware mo yorinamu
In death and life
Our hearts would be as one
We vowed;
Can I betray my friends?
I, too, will yield to him!
'Simply moving and elegant'