Tag Archives: yamadori

SKKS V: 487

When he presented a Hundred Poem Sequence.


hitori nuru
yamadori no o no
shidario ni
shimo okimayou
toko no tsukikage
Sleeping alone,
The mountain pheasant’s tail
Hangs down,
Mistaking for fallen frost
The moonlight on his bed.[i]

Lord Fujiwara no Sada’ie

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text/
Created with Soan.

[i] An allusive variation on SIS XIII: 778.

Love VIII: 17


yamadori no
hatsuo no kagami
mishi omokage ni
ne wa nakarekeri
A mountain pheasant’s
Tail of hempen cord this mirror
Does not suspend, yet
The face I saw there once
Makes me weep out loud…


Right (Win)

omokage o
hono mishimano ni
yukue shirarenu
mozu no kusaguki
Her face
I did but briefly see at Mishimano
When I visited there;
I know not where has gone
The shrike hiding in the grasses.

Lord Takanobu

The Gentlemen of the Right state: the Left’s poem has no faults to mention. The Gentlemen of the Left state: we wonder about the appropriateness of combining ‘Mishima Plain’ (mishimano) with ‘the shrike hiding in the grasses (mozu no kusaguki). Is there a poem as a precedent for this? If not, is it suitable?

In judgement: both poems have the conception of love: of imagining the pheasant and his mirror, and weeping at the memory of a lover’s face; and thinking of the shrike hiding in the grasses, visiting Mishima Plain, and recalling the past. However, what should we do about the matter of whether there is a precedent poem for ‘the shrike hiding in the grasses’ on Mishima Plain? Surely, it could be any plain, so there is no reason not to use this. The configuration of ‘I know not where has gone’ (yukue shirarenu) sounds better than that of ‘makes me weep out loud’ (ne wa nakarekeri). The Right, again, must win, I think.


Love VIII: 14

Left (Tie)

hito kokoro
tsune wa uzuki no
koto kataran
koe o kikaba ya
Her heart is
Ever chill; O, for the Fourth Month
To tell me
With a gentle song!

Lord Suetsune


ashihiki no
tōyamadori no
hitogoe wa
ware tsumanagara
mezurashiki kana
The distant mountain pheasant’s
Call is
Even for his mate
A rare thing, indeed!

Lord Tsune’ie

The Gentlemen of the Right state: the Left’s poem has no faults. The Gentlemen of the Left state: the initial part of the Right’s poem has an antiquated feel.

In judgement: the Left’s ‘cuckoo’ (hototogisu) and the Right’s ‘mountain pheasant’ (yamadori) are of the same level.

Love IV: 18

Left (Win).

kumo to nari
ame to naru chō
nakazora no
yume ni mo mieyo
yowa narazu tomo
Whether you become clouds, or
Whether you become rain
In the heart of the heavens
Let me glimpse you in a dream,
Though nighttime it is not…

Lord Ari’ie.


kurenu ma wa
kakariseba ya
yamadori mo
yowa ni omoi ni
The hours with no darkness:
Is it because they are so?
As the pheasants do
At night to thoughts of love
Can we vow to turn?


The Right state: we find no particular faults to mention. The Left state: the mention of ‘pheasants’ (yamadori) comes a bit abruptly, does it not?

In judgement: the style of the Left’s poem sounds utterly elegant and beautiful. The Right’s mention of ‘pheasants’ is unnecessary. Thus, the Left wins.