Left (Tie)
idenikeru kimi ga yodoko no samushiro ni hitorineshite ya hada o furemashi |
Departed Is he from our bed tonight, so On his blanket Should I sleep alone, Might I touch his skin? |
ayamushiro tachiyoru hito wa nakeredomo aramashi ni nomi shikite koso mate |
To my patterned blanket He has not Drawn near, yet In simple longing Will I spread it and await him… |
Lord Tsune’ie
Both Left and Right together state: this seems somewhat jocular.
In judgement: the Left’s conception of starting with ‘departed’ (idenikeru), as the poem of a woman sleeping alone and finding traces of a the man who has left on the blanket, sounds extremely poor in style. On the other hand, if it is a man’s poem, has he come upon the traces of a woman after she has left? In any case, whichever it is the initial line is not good at all. The Right’s poem, with its ‘to my patterned blanket he has not drawn near, yet’ (ayamushiro tachiyoru hito wa nakeredomo), also appears to be a woman’s poem. The Left’s humour, and the Right’s longing, are both eccentric. The round must tie.