Category Archives: Shin-chūjō-ke uta’awase

Shin-chūjō-ke uta’awase

Shinpen kokka taikan no.139
Heian-chō uta’awase taisei no.294
Romanised TitleShin-chūjō-ke uta’awase
Translated TitlePoetry Contest held at the House of the New Middle Captain
Alternative Title(s)右近衛中将雅定歌合 Ukonoe chūjō masasada uta’awase (‘Poetry Contest held by Masasada, Middle Captain of the Inner Palace Guards, Right Division’)
Date5/Gen’ei 1 [5.1118]
Extant Poems36
SponsorMinamoto no Masasada 源雅定 (1094-1162)
Identifiable ParticipantsMaster of the Palace Repairs Office [Fujiwara no] Akisue 修理大夫顕季 (1055-1123); Master of the Left Capital Office [Minamoto no] Akinaka 左京大夫顕仲 (1058-1138); Director of Palace Storehouses [Fujiwara no] Nagazane 内蔵頭長実 (1075-1133); Captain of the Middle Palace Guards, Right Division, [Sanjō] Saneyuki 右兵衛督実行 (1080-1162); Middle Captain of the Inner Palace Guards, Right Division, [Minamoto no] Morotoki 右近中将師時 (1077-1136); Middle Captain of the Inner Palace Guards, Right Division, [Minamoto no] Masasada 右近中将雅定; Governor of Kaga [Fujiwara no] Akisuke 賀加守顕輔 (1090-1155); Former Director of Carpentry [Minamoto no] Toshiyori 前木工頭俊頼; Former Assistant Captain of the Middle Palace Guards Akinaka 前兵衛佐顕仲; Right Minor Counsellor [Fujiwara no] Munekane 右小納言宗兼; Ranked without Office, [Fujiwara no] Michitsune 散位道経 (1060-?); Ranked without Office, Tadafusa 散位忠房; Former Governor of Izumi 和泉前司
Topicscuckoos (hototogisu 郭公); showers (samidare 五月雨); love (koi 恋)