uchiharau sode mo tsuyukeki tokonatsu ni arashi fukisou aki mo kinikeri | Swept clean My sleeves still are drenched with dew; Upon the pink A storm wind blew, and Brought autumn with it! |
An allusive variation on KKS III: 167.
sakimajiru iro wa izure to wakanedomo nao tokonatsu ni shiku mono zo naki | Between the blend of blossoming Hues, there is No telling, and yet And yet, to the bedded pink Here, nothing can compare! |
yamagatsu no kakiho arutomo oriori ni aware wa kakeyo nadeshiko no tsuyu | A mountain peasant’s Brushwood fence falls to ruin, yet From time to time Feel pity for The dew-dropped pink. |
An allusive variation on: KKS XIV: 695.
'Simply moving and elegant'