八千矛の 神の命は ぬえ草の 女にしあれば 我が心 浦渚の鳥ぞ 今こそは 我鳥にあらめ 後は 汝鳥にあらめ 命は な殺せたまひそ いしたふや 天馳使 事の 語言も 是をば 靑山に 日が隱らば ぬばたまの 夜は出でなむ 朝日の 笑み榮え來て たくづの 白き腕 沫雪の 若やる胸を そだたき たたきまながり 眞玉手 玉手さし枕き 百長に 寢は寢さむを あやに な戀ひ聞こし 八千矛の 神の命 事の 語言も 是をば
yatipokö nö kamï nö mikötö pa nuyekusa nö me ni si areba wa ga kökörö urasu nö töri zo ima kösö pa wadöri ni aramë nöti pa nadöri ni aramu wo inöti pa na sisetamapi sö isitapu ya amepasedukapi kötö nö Katarigötö mö kö wo ba awoyama ni pi ga kakuraba nubatama nö yo pa idenamu asapi nö wemisakayekite takudunö siroki tadamuki awayuki no wakayaru mune wo södataki tataki managari ma tamade tamade sasimaki momonaga ni i pa nasamu wo aya ni na kopïkikösi yatipokö nö kamï nö mikötö kötö nö katarigötö mö kö wo ba |
Eight Thousand Spears, Mighty God, A delicate Maid am I. My heart Is a bird upon the seashore Now, It flies for me Later, It may fly for you. My heart’s life Do not end it! Though it be a rowdy Messenger of the skies. The words, The spoken words Are like this. In the mountains green, When the sun lies hidden, Lily-seed dark Night will arise. As the morning sun Come smiling to me; With mulberry-cloth White arms The melting snow Of my youthful breast Enfold. Entwining, gazing: Pure jewelled hand Pillowed upon hand Forever Let us sleep. And so Put aside your longing, Eight Thousand Spears, Mighty God. The words, The spoken words, Are like this. |