Whereupon Princess Suseri took a wine cup and sang to him:
八千矛の 神の命や 吾が大国主 汝こそは 男に坐せば 打ち廻る 嶋の埼埼 かき廻る 磯の埼落ちず 若草の 妻持たせらめ 吾はもよ 女にしあれば 汝を除て 男は無し 汝を除て 夫は無し 綾垣の ふはやが下に 苧衾 柔やが下に たく衾 さやぐが下に あわ雪の 若やる胸を たく綱の 白き腕 そだたき たたきまながり 眞玉手 玉手さし枕き 百長に 寢をし寢せ 豊御酒 奉らせ
yatipökö nö kami nö miköto ya a ga opokuninusi na kösö pa wo ni imaseba utimiru sima nö sakizaki kakimïru iso nö saki otizu wakakusa nö tuma mötaseramë a pa mö yö me ni si areba na wo kite wo pa nasi na wo kite tuma pa nasi ayakaki nö pupaya ga sita ni musibusuma nikoya ga sita ni takubusuma sayagu ga sita ni awayuki nö wakayaru mune wo takuduno nö siroki tadamuki södataki tataki managari matamade tamade sasimaki momonaga ni i wo si nase töyö miki tatematurase |
Eight Thousand Spears, Mighty God, My great master of the land, Were I A man Circling The islands’ promontories, Progressing. On every beach As young grass I would have a wife. But I, As I am a woman, Save you, I have no man; Save you, No husband. Beneath twill curtains Fluttering; Beneath warm coverlets of silk grass Softly; Beneath mulberry cloth coverlets Rustling, The melting snow Of my youthful breast With mulberry-cloth White arms Enfold. Entwining, gazing: Pure jewelled hand Pillowed upon hand Forever Shall we sleep! This august wine I present to you. |