Round Twenty
Scarlet Leaves
Left (Tie)
aki sareba akatsuki tsuyu ni imo ga sode makigi no yama ni niou momijiba When the autumn comes, With the dawn, the dewdrops, as Upon a sweet girl’s sleeves, At Makigi Mountain Bring a lustre to the scarlet leaves…
Masashige 39
shitazome wa onaji midori ni mishi hodo mo momiji no iro no usuku koki kana First dyed All with green, When I gazed upon them, now The scarlet leaves’ hues are Pale and vibrant both!
Kūnin 40
The Left has a lofty tone, yet the Right is still smooth. Thus, I make this a tie.
Topic unknown.
omoine no ware nomi kayou yumeji ni mo aimite kaeru akatsuki zo naki Loving you, I sleep, but I, alone, go back and forth Upon the path of dreams; To glimpse and meet you, then return— I have no such dawnings.
Kinhira, Middle Captain of the Inner Palace Guards, Left Division
Created with Soan .
Composed when the Naka Chancellor [Fujiwara no Michitaka] returned from another woman’s residence with the dawn, but rather than coming in, remained outside and went back to his own house.
akatuki no tuyu Fa makura ni okikeru wo kusaba no uFe to nani omoFiken At the dawning Dewdrops upon my pillow Have fallen, but Resting atop a blade of grass— Is that what you think of me? [1]
The Kō Handmaid
Created with Soan .
[1] An allusive variation on Izumi shikibu-shū 304/Mandaishū XVIII: 3559.
Composed around the time Lord Kintada passed away.
mono o nomi omoi nezame no makura ni wa namida kakaranu akatsuki zo naki Gloom, alone, fills My thoughts—on waking My pillow Remains untouched by tears On no single dawn at all…
Lord Minamoto no Sane’akira
Created with Soan .
For the Hundred Poem Sequences Commemorating the Reign of Former Emperor Horikawa.
yamaji nite sōchinikeri na shiratsuyu no akatsuki oki no kigi no shizuku ni On a mountain path How damp have I become! Silver dewdrops Fall with the dawn In droplets from the trees…
Supernumerary Middle Counsellor Kunizane
Created with Soan .
yamadera no akatsukigata no kane no oto o wa ga omou koto naru to kikaba ya At a mountain temple Toward the edge of dawn The tolling of the bell Becomes the focus of my thoughts— Is that what I hear?
Fujiwara no Sadayori
First snow seen at dawn (暁見初雪)
kagamiyama akatsukikata ni miwataseba amagiri aite hatsuyuki zo furu When Mirror Mountain At the edge of dawn I do survey Blended with the misting rain is The first fall of snow.
Fujiwara no Akinobu, Secretary of Music 27
asaborake mada fumiwakenu hatsuyuki ni izure o michi to waki zo kanetsuru By dawn’s first light As yet no feet have marked This first fall of snow; How long can the path Remain untrodden?
Akichika, Ranked without office 28
Left (Win)
Foka ni mata
matu Fito are ya
kokoro nodoka ni
kowe no kikoenu
Is there any other who still
Awaits as I,
O, cuckoo?
Heart at peace with
Your song unheard…
Futakowe to
kikade ya yamamu
akatuki tikaku
nari mo sinuramu
Will your twin cries
Cease before they’re heard,
O, cuckoos?
With approaching dawn
It seems they die…
Left (Tie) たれか又暁ごとに夢さめて羽掻く鴫の声を聞くらむ
tareka mata akatuki goto ni yume samete Fane kaku sigi no kowe wo kikuramu Who is it that yet With every single dawn Awakens from her dreams, and The wing-beating snipes’ Cries does hear?
Koma 小馬 17
Right 我ならで誰か聞くらむ暁の羽掻く鴫の数を尽くして
ware narade tare ka kikuramu akatuki no Fane kaku sigi no kazu wo tukusite If not I, then Who is it that will hear? With the dawn The snipes’ wing-beats Coming to an end…
Saemon 左衛門 18
teru tuki wo
Firu ka to mireba
akatuki ni
Fane kaku sigi mo
arazi to zo omoFu
The shining moon
Makes it seem like noon, so
With the dawn,
Beating their wings, even the snipe
Have gone, I feel.
Ki no Tsurayuki
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