Tag Archives: chigiri

Daikōtaigōgū daijin kiyosuke-ason ke uta’awase 11

Round Eleven


Left (Win)


tanabata wa
taenu chigiri o
ureshi tomo
koyoi bakari ya
The Weaver Maid’s
Unending vow is
A source of joy, yet
Is it only on this night
That she truly feels it?




ama no kawa
wataru koyoi ya
tanabata wa
nakanaka sode o
The River of Heaven
Does she cross tonight, so
The Weaver Maid
Truly, her sleeves
Dampens not, I think!


SZS XVI: 1026

I had asked that Master of Discipline Kōkaku be accorded the honour of the role of reader at the ceremony for the recitation of the Vimalakīrti nirdeśa Sutra, and when he was constantly passed over, had complained to the Hosshōji Lay Priest and former Palace Minister; even though he mentioned ‘Shimeji plain’, the following year Kōkaku was once more passed over, so I composed this and sent it to him.


tigiri okisi
sasemo ga tuyu wo
inoti nite
aFare kotosi no
aki mo inumeri
A promise dropped, as
Dewfall on the mugwort—
Such is life, so
Miserable, this year’s
Autumn must arrive.

Fujiwara no Mototoshi

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

GSS XVII: 1241

When he had gone to Michinoku as Governor, on seeing that one of the pines at Takekuma had withered, had a sapling planted to replace it; on returning to the same province later, after finishing his posting, he saw the tree he had planted once more.


uwesi toki
tigiri ya siken
takekuma no
matu wo Futatabi
aFimituru kana
When I planted you,
Did I make a vow, perhaps?
That Takekuma’s
Pine once more
I would encounter!’

Lord Fujiwara no Motoyoshi

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

GSS XI: 710

Taira no Sadafun had been conversing with a lady at the residence of Major Counsellor Kunitsune in great secrecy and matters had progressed to the point that they had vowed to be with each other to the end, when the lady was abruptly welcomed into the residence of the late Grand Minister, so he had no way at all of even exchanging letters with her; thus, when the lady’s five year old child was playing in the western wing of the minister’s mansion, Sadafun called her over and saying, ‘Show this to your mother,’ wrote this on her upper arm.


mukasi sesi
wa ga kanegoto no
kanasiki Fa
ika ni tigirisi
Long ago did
I promise, but
Might the sadness
Of how I did once vow
Be my only keepsake?

Taira no Sadafun

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

Love X: 12

Left (Tie)

hitoyo nomi
yado karu hito no
chigiri tote
tsuyu musubioku
kusamakura kana
For just a single night
Will he rent my lodging and
Make a brief bond of love;
Dewdrops tangled with
My grassy pillow…

A Servant Girl


chigiri mo tsurashi
matsu yūgure mo
yado o tanomite
Brief bonds are chill;
With a grassy pillow
She awaits the evening and
A request for lodging.


Left and Right state together: both poems have only a faint conception of entertainers.

In judgement: both Left and Right have a ‘grassy pillow’ (kusamakura) and a faint conception of entertainers, as the Gentlemen have already stated. They seem to me to somehow resemble the poem by the Left in Round Nine. The Left’s ‘dewfall drops tangled’ (tsuyu musubioku) and the Right’s ‘brief bonds are chill’ (chigiri mo tsurashi) are both elegant. Once again, I make this a tie.

Love X: 8


kokoro yuku
noji no tabine no
tomo naku wa
itodo miyako ya
To ease my heart
While sleeping on my travels ‘tween the fields
I have no friend at all, so
How much more the capital
Does seem dear to me now!

Lord Kanemune

Right (Win)

hitoyo bakari no
chigiri dani
sate nagarauru
hito mo aru yo o
Lodging on one’s travels,
For just a single night,
A love
That lasts with
A lady does happen sometimes, yet…


The Right state: the Left’s poem has no entertainers, or conception of love, either. The Left state: the Right’s poem lacks entertainers.

In judgement: it seems that the Gentlemen of both teams have already stated that both poems lack the conception of Love. However, they seem to me to both capture the conception of entertainers. The Right’s configuration and conception are fine. It should win, I think.

Love X: 4

Left (Tie)

fune no uchi ni
sashimo ukitaru
chigiri made
urayamu hodo no
e ni koso arikere
Within a boat
Such a brief
Bond is formed; yet
Do I envy it,
I really do!

Lord Ari’ie


sono hito to
wakite matsuran
tsuma yori mo
aware wa fukaki
nami no ue kana
There is her, and
My waiting
Far fonder am I
Upon the waves!


Left and Right state: neither has any fault.

In judgement: the configuration and diction of both poems sounds pleasant. I must make this a tie.

Love X: 3


ukifune ni
hitoyo bakari no
chigiri dani
nado arigataki
wa ga mi naruramu
In a drifting boat
A single night’s
Brief bond – even that:
Why so rarely
Do I get it?

Lord Suetsune

Right (Win)

tare to naki
ukine o shinobu
ama no ko mo
omoeba asaki
urami narikeri
Knowing not with whom
She’ll briefly sleep, and regret
Is my diving girl:
But considering, little
Will it trouble her!


The Right state: ‘drifting boat’ (ukifune) fails to link properly with ‘single night’ (hitoyo). The Left state: although ‘diving girl’ (ama no ko) is used in the source poem in the section on pleasure girls in the Collection of Poems to Sing, we wonder about the appropriateness of simply using it to mean pleasure girl.

In judgement: there is no need to critique whether or not ‘drifting boat’ links with ‘single night’. In the final section ‘why so rarely’ (nado arigataki), though, makes me wonder why this should be the case! On the matter of the Right’s use of ‘diving girl’, our predecessors, including Lord Kintō, have provided poems on pleasure girls in the Collection of Poems to Sing, and who, indeed, would not utilize this? Furthermore, ‘knowing not with whom she’ll briefly sleep, and regret’ (tare to naki ukine o shinobu) certainly sounds like a pleasure girl! Thus, the Right must win over a pleasure girl finding it hard to get custom.