Tag Archives: fireflies

GSIS XX: 1162

When she had been forgotten by a man, she went to Kibune, and composed this on seeing fireflies flitting about by the Mitarashi River.


saFa no Fotaru mo
wa ga mi yori
akugare iduru
tama ka to zo miru
I’m at such a loss;
Fireflies by the marsh:
From my breast
Wanders out
My soul, or so it seems.

Izumi Shikibu

KKS XII: 562

A poem composed at a competition held by Her Majesty, the Empress during the Kampyô era (889-898).


yuFu sareba
Fotaru yori ke ni
Fikari mineba ya
Fito no turenaki
With the fall of evening,
The fireflies’ are as nothing beside
My burning, yet
I cast no light, so
Will my love stay chill?

Ki no Tomonori