Round Thirty-Three
Left (Tie)
hito kazu ni arazu narumi no ura ni mata oi no nami sae yoru zo kanashiki Numbered among proper folk I am not, as at Narumi Bay, yet again do cruel Waves of age Break—so sad!
Lord Kinshige 65
ukinagara nao oshimaruru inochi kana nochi no yo tote mo tanominakereba In constant suffering Still do I regret This life! For even in the world to come Can I place no trust…
Moromitsu 66
Neither has any parts I can’t understand.
Composed on changing clothes.
oshimikoshi hana no tamoto mo nugikaetsu hito no kokoro zo natsu ni wa arikeru Regretfully, Be’blossomed sleeves Have been put off and changed— In folk’s hearts, indeed, Does summer lie now.
rindō no hana to mo hito o miteshi kana kare ya wa hatsuru shimogakuretsutsu The gentian Blooms as folk Did I see! Their withering done While vanishing ‘neath the frosts…
Izumi Shikibu
Created with Soan.
Composed for a folding screen with a picture of cherry trees blooming in the middle of the mountains.
yamazakura chiraba oranan oshigenami yoshi ya hito mizu hana no na tate ni O, mountain cherry! If you scatter, then do it Without regret, for, Well, even should folk not see Your blossoms’ fame will spread still!
Composed on karukaya , when he presented a hundred poem sequence during the reign of former Emperor Horikawa.
aki kureba omoimidaruru karukaya no shitaba ya hito no kokoro naruran When the autumn comes So confused are my thoughts— As the tangled tufts of grass Below are folk’s Feelings, I wonder?
Major Counsellor Moroyori 大納言師頼
On a folding screen for the Kamo Virgin, for the place showing people going along a mountain path.
tiritirazu kikamaFosiki wo Furusato no Fana mitekaFeru Fito mo aFanan Are they scattered, or not, is What I would ask, but The ancient estate’s Blossom having seen and returned– Those folk I would have you meet.
Round Two
Left (Tie)
ōhara ya oshio no sato no asagasumi yukiki ni nareshi haru zo wasurenu In Ōhara At Oshio estate among The morning haze Accustomed to go back and forth, Never will I forget that springtime!
The Former Minister of the Centre 3
urabito no shio yaku sato no asagasumi haru no mono to ya wakade miruran Folk dwelling by the bay Roasting salt in their village: The morning haze From a scene in spring ‘tis Hard to distinguish, is it not?[1]
Kozaishō 4
The Left’s poem composes ‘Oshio estate among the morning haze accustomed to go back and forth’ and, in addition to seeming to have some feeling in it, displays fine configuration and diction, while the Right’s poem ‘From as scene in spring ‘tis hard to distinguish, is it not?’ recollects Narihira’s poem ‘a scene from spring: ever-falling rain to gaze upon all day’ and has a gentle air about it, so both are difficult to distinguish from each other. I make this a tie.
[1] An allusive variation on KKS XIII: 616 .
Topic unknown.
ashihiki no yama no anata ni sumu hito wa matade ya aki no tsuki o miruran On the leg-wearying Mountains’ far side Folk dwell—I wonder Do they not have to wait for the autumn Moon to fill their gaze?
Former Emperor Sanjō
Created with Soan .
Topic unknown.
hito mo oshi hito mo urameshi ajikinaku yo o omou yue ni mono’omou mi wa Some folk I hold dear, and Some folk I despise, Pointlessly Brooding on this world Sunk in gloomy thought.
Former Emperor Gotoba
Created with Soan .
Composed saying he would pass the barrier at Meeting Hill at night.
aFusaka no seki ni Fa Fito mo nakarikeri iFawi no midu no moru ni makasete At Meeting Hill’s Barrier of folk There is no sign— To the water from the rocky spring’s Guarded dripping is it entrusted…
Hōribe no Narinaka
Created with Soan .
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