Tag Archives: Fujiwara no Yorimune

GSIS V: 364

Composed on autumn leaves when the late Minister of Ceremonial had gone to the River Ōi.


minakami ni
momidi nagarete
murago ni miyuru
taki no siraito
From upstream
Flow the scarlet leaves upon
The River Ōi
Seeming to spatter colour on
The cataracts’ white threads…

The Horikawa Minister of the Right [Fujiwara no Yorimune]
堀川右大臣 [藤原頼宗]

GSIS VI: 388

Composed on plovers for a poetry competition in Eishō 4 [1050].


saFogaFa no
kiri no anata ni
naku tidori
kowe Fa Fedatenu
mono ni zo arikeru
The River Sao:
Mist rises, and from beyond
Come plover cries,
Their calls uninterrupted
By anything.

The Horikawa Minister of the Right [Fujiwara no Yorimune]


Composed on hearing that the Nijō Former Grand Minister [Fujiwara no Norimichi (996-1075)] had first visited Koshikibu no Naishi.


Fito sirade
netasa mo netasi
murasaki no
nezuri no koromo
uFaki ni mo semu
That no one knows,
Makes me more jealous than jealousy;
With violet
Dyed clothing
Plainly worn should they reveal it!

The Horikawa Minister of the Right [Fujiwara no Yorimune]