Tag Archives: grounds

MYS VIII: 1552

A poem on crickets by Prince Yuhara.

暮月夜 心毛思努尓 白露乃 置此庭尓 蟋蟀鳴毛

ゆふづくよ こころもしのに しらつゆの おくこのにはに こほろぎなくも

yupu duku yo
kokoro mo sino ni
siratuyu no
oku kono nipa ni
koporogi naku mo
The evening moon
Does wrench my heart, as
Silver dewdrops
Fall upon the grounds and
The crickets cry…

MYS XIX: 4172

In Kanpyō-Shōhō 2 [750], on the 24th day of the Third Month, it would be near to the beginning of summer in the Fourth Month, so he composed these two poems when, on the evening of the 23rd day,  he suddenly thought of a cuckoo calling at dawn.


kinaki toyomeba
kusa toramu
panatatibana wo
yado ni wa uwezute
When the cuckoo
Arrives, his resounding song
Sends me gathering grasses,
For orange blossom
Has not been planted in my grounds…

Ōtomo no Yakamochi